

Controller that produces a feedback control signal for any actuator, based on a pid tracking of a model state.


        include = "actuator_name"
        pid = [160000., 0.0, 1600.0]
        scale = 0.5
        min_control_value = -1000.0
        max_control_value = 1000.0
        file = "data/tracking_states.sto"
        include_states = "state_name"

Inherits from Controller.

Parameter Type Description
symmetric bool Bool indicating if function should be the same for left and right; default = true.
include String Actuator names to include (semicolon separated); default = “*”.
exclude String Actuator names to exclude (semicolon separated); default = “”.
min_control_value Real Minimum output for this controller; default = -infinity.
max_control_value Real Maximum output for this controller; default = +infinity.
scale Real Scale value to scale the tracking data.
file xo::path Filename of storage (sto).
include_states xo::pattern_matcher States to include for comparison; default = *.
exclude_states xo::pattern_matcher States to exclude for comparison; default = “”.
time_offset TimeInSeconds Time in the .sto file to start measuring; default = 0.
pid Vec3 PID controller parameters in the order of position, integral, and derivative.
name String Name of the controller, uses as a prefix for the control parameters; empty by default.
start_time TimeInSeconds Time [s] at which Controller becomes active; default = 0.
stop_time TimeInSeconds Time [s] at which Controller becomes inactive; default = until simulation ends.
signature_prefix String Prefix signature with custom string. Special tags: DATE_TIME, DATE_TIME_EXACT, SCONE_VERSION.
signature_postfix String Append custom string to signature. Special tags: DATE_TIME, DATE_TIME_EXACT, SCONE_VERSION.
signature String Set custom signature and omit the auto-generated signature.

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