Generic Reflex based on a single sensor input.
Must be part of ReflexController.
Inherits from Reflex.
Public Attributes
Parameter | Type | Description |
mirror_left | bool | Mirror the dof value for left sided reflexes, useful for pelvis_list, pelvis_rotation, etc.; default = 0. |
P0 | Real | Offset value, subtracted from input; default = 0. |
KP | Real | Position feedback gain; default = 0. |
allow_neg_P | bool | Allow this reflex to be negative; default = 1. |
C0 | Real | Constant actuation added to the reflex; default = 0. |
target | String | Name of the target actuator; use _o for actuators on the opposite side. |
min_control_value | Real | Minimum output for this reflex; default = -infinity. |
max_control_value | Real | Maximum output for this reflex; default = +infinity. |
delay | TimeInSeconds | Neuromuscular delay [s] used for this reflex; default = 0. |
Converted from doxygen using dokugen