Public Attributes
Parameter | Type | Description |
init_file | path | Parameter file (.par) to be used for initial parameter values. |
use_init_file | bool | Use init_file (if exists); default = true. |
use_init_file_std | bool | Use the standard deviations from the init_file; when set to false, the initial standard deviation is computed as follows: STDEV = parameter value * init_file_std_factor + init_file_std_offset; default = true. |
use_init_file_best_as_mean | bool | Use values from the first column of the .par file (generation best) as mean; default = false. |
init_file_std_factor | double | Factor by which to multiply the standard deviations from the init_file; default = 1.0. |
init_file_std_offset | double | Offset added to the standard deviations from init_file; default = 0. |
init_file_include | String | Pattern matching the init_file parameters to include (semicolon seperated); default = “” (all). |
init_file_exclude | String | Pattern matching the init_file parameters to exclude (semicolon seperated); default = “” (none). |
init | ParInitSettings | Section with parameter initialization settings (.par), multiple allowed; see ParInitSettings for details. |
max_threads | size_t | Maximum number of threads to use for this optimization (deprecated, use global settings instead); default = 32. |
thread_priority | int | Thread priority of the optimization; 0 = lowest, 7 = highest, default = 1. |
max_generations | size_t | Number of iterations after which to stop the optimization; default = 100000. |
min_progress | double | Minimum progress after which to stop the optimization; default = 1e-5. |
min_progress_samples | size_t | Minimum number of samples after which progress is measured; default = 200. |
window_size | size_t | Window size used for measureing progress; default = 500. |
min_improvement_for_file_output | Real | The minimum relative improvement needed for file output; default = 0.05. |
max_generations_without_file_output | size_t | The maximum number of iterations without file output; default = 1000. |
target_fitness | double | Target fitness value, stop optimization if better; default = not set. |
log_level | xo::log::level | Set the log level [1-7] for the optimization.log file (higher is less logging); default = 3. |
signature_prefix | String | Prefix signature with custom string. Special tags: DATE_TIME, DATE_TIME_EXACT, SCONE_VERSION. |
signature_postfix | String | Append custom string to signature. Special tags: DATE_TIME, DATE_TIME_EXACT, SCONE_VERSION. |
signature | String | Set custom signature and omit the auto-generated signature. |
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