

Model using the Hyfydy simulation engine.

The following models can be used:

  • ModelHyfydy: Hyfydy model using single precision floating point computations (default)
  • ModelHyfydyPrecise: Hyfydy model using double precision floating point computations

The ModelHyfydyPrecise model can be used for additional accuracy and stability. For complex models, using ModelHyfydyPrecise may also improve performance, as it allows for larger integration step sizes.

Inherits from Model.

Parameter Type Description
model_file path File containing the Hyfydy model.
leg_upper_body string Name of the leg upper body; default = femur.
leg_lower_body string Name of the leg lower body; default = calcn.
enable_external_forces bool Must be set before external forces can be added to the model; default = 0.
integration_accuracy double Accuracy parameter for integration; default = config dependent.
min_integration_step_size double Minimum integration step size; default = config dependent.
ground_velocity Vec3 Velocity of the ground frame, useful for simulating treadmills; default = [0, 0, 0].
gravity xo::optional< hfd::vec3 > Gravitational constant; default = [0, -9.81, 0].
use_omnidirectional_root_dofs xo::optional< bool > Use euler order yzx for root bodies (the sensible choice); default = 0.
enable_dof_actuators bool Create Actuators for DOFs with joint_motor; default = 1.
zero_velocity_equilibration bool Use zero target muscle CE velocity for more stable equilibration; default = 0.
use_opensim_activation_dynamics bool Use OpenSim algorithm for muscle activation dynamics; default = 0.
max_equilibrate_velocity_error hfd::real Maximum muscle equilibration error; default = 0.01.
include_dofs_in_state bool Include DOF values and velocities in model state, useful for MimicMeasure; default = 0.
relax_fixed_time_step_precision bool Relax precision of the fixed control and analysis step size to increase performance and step smoothness; default = 0.
enforce_min_integration_step_size bool Always use min_integration_step_size, even in step redo; default = 0.
enable_gyroscopic_forces bool Enable gyroscopic forces; default = 0.
use_swing_twist_joint_limits bool Use swing-twist joint limits for all joints; default = 0.
enable_collision_between_objects bool Always enable collision between objects; default = 0.
move_static_bodies bool Move static bodies when they have a velocity; default = 1.
enable_interaction bool Allow interaction with the model; default = 0.
interaction_stiffness hfd::real Stiffness of the interaction spring;.
interaction_damping hfd::real Damping of the interaction spring;.
muscle_force_multiplier OptionalPar Muscle force multiplier to use, if not defined inside model file; default = 1.
muscle_fiber_damping OptionalPar Muscle fiber damping, overrides the default when set; default = not set.
activation_rate OptionalPar Muscle activation rate, overrides the default when set; default = not set.
deactivation_rate OptionalPar Muscle deactivation rate, overrides the default when set; default = not set.
v_max OptionalPar Muscle v_max, overrides the default when set; default = not set.
transition_velocity OptionalPar Contact force transition_velocity, overrides the default when set; default = not set.
viscous_friction_factor OptionalPar Factor used to compute viscous friction as a factor of dynamic friction; default = 1.
model_scale OptionalPar Scale factor applied to the model, if not defined inside model file; default = 1.
state_init_file path File containing the initial state (or pose) of the model.
state_init_file_ignore_activations bool Ignore muscle activations from state_init_file (if present); default = 0.
initial_state_offset const PropNode * Offset [rad] or [m] to apply to initial state; default = 0.
initial_state_offset_symmetric bool Use symmetric offset for left and right; default = 0.
initial_state_offset_include String Pattern matching the states to include in initial offset (semicolon seperated); default = “*”.
initial_state_offset_exclude String Pattern matching the states to exclude in initial offset (semicolon seperated); default = “”.
use_fixed_control_step_size bool Use fixed step size for controllers; default = true.
fixed_control_step_size double Step size used for controllers; default = 0.001.
fixed_measure_step_size double Step size used for measures (not supported by all model types); default = fixed_control_step_size.
max_step_size double Maximum integration step size; default = fixed_control_step_size.
initial_load Real Initial load [BW] at which to place the model initially; default = 0.2;.
initial_load_dof String Name of the DOF that needs to be adjusted to find the required initial_load; default = pelvis_ty.
sensor_delay_scaling_factor Real Scaling factor to apply to all sensor delays; default = 1.
initial_equilibration_activation Real Activation used to equilibrate muscles before control inputs are known; default = 0.05.
min_muscle_activation Real Minimum muscle activation, values below are clamped to this; default = 0.01.
max_muscle_activation Real Maximum muscle activation, values above are clamped to this; default = 1.
max_individual_muscle_activation const PropNode * Maximum individual muscle activation, allows for optimization of individual max activation; default = not set.
muscle_input_soft_limits std::pair< Real, Real > Pair of values determining the RELATIVE lower and upper soft limit for muscle input; default = [0.0 1.0].
initialize_activations_from_controller xo::optional< bool > Initialize muscle activations from initial controller values; default = true unless state_init_file contains activations.
neural_delays xo::flat_map< String, TimeInSeconds > Optional list of two-way neural delays, used by SpinalController.
planar xo::optional< bool > Set to override automatic planar model detection; default = not set.
user_input_file path File containing user input values, only for model with user inputs; default = “”.
scone_version xo::version scone version; this is set automatically when running an optimization.
signature_prefix String Prefix signature with custom string. Special tags: DATE_TIME, DATE_TIME_EXACT, SCONE_VERSION.
signature_postfix String Append custom string to signature. Special tags: DATE_TIME, DATE_TIME_EXACT, SCONE_VERSION.
signature String Set custom signature and omit the auto-generated signature.

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