

Simulation model.

Inherits from HasSignature, HasData.

Inherited by ModelHfd, ModelOpenSim3, ModelOpenSim4.

Parameter Type Description
state_init_file path File containing the initial state (or pose) of the model.
state_init_file_ignore_activations bool Ignore muscle activations from state_init_file (if present); default = 0.
initial_state_offset const PropNode * Offset [rad] or [m] to apply to initial state; default = 0.
initial_state_offset_symmetric bool Use symmetric offset for left and right; default = 0.
initial_state_offset_include String Pattern matching the states to include in initial offset (semicolon seperated); default = “*”.
initial_state_offset_exclude String Pattern matching the states to exclude in initial offset (semicolon seperated); default = “”.
use_fixed_control_step_size bool Use fixed step size for controllers; default = true.
fixed_control_step_size double Step size used for controllers; default = 0.001.
fixed_measure_step_size double Step size used for measures (not supported by all model types); default = fixed_control_step_size.
max_step_size double Maximum integration step size; default = fixed_control_step_size.
initial_load Real Initial load [BW] at which to place the model initially; default = 0.2;.
initial_load_dof String Name of the DOF that needs to be adjusted to find the required initial_load; default = pelvis_ty.
sensor_delay_scaling_factor Real Scaling factor to apply to all sensor delays; default = 1.
initial_equilibration_activation Real Activation used to equilibrate muscles before control inputs are known; default = 0.05.
min_muscle_activation Real Minimum muscle activation, values below are clamped to this; default = 0.01.
max_muscle_activation Real Maximum muscle activation, values above are clamped to this; default = 1.
max_individual_muscle_activation const PropNode * Maximum individual muscle activation, allows for optimization of individual max activation; default = not set.
muscle_input_soft_limits std::pair< Real, Real > Pair of values determining the RELATIVE lower and upper soft limit for muscle input; default = [0.0 1.0].
initialize_activations_from_controller xo::optional< bool > Initialize muscle activations from initial controller values; default = true unless state_init_file contains activations.
neural_delays xo::flat_map< String, TimeInSeconds > Optional list of two-way neural delays, used by SpinalController.
planar xo::optional< bool > Set to override automatic planar model detection; default = not set.
user_input_file path File containing user input values, only for model with user inputs; default = “”.
scone_version xo::version scone version; this is set automatically when running an optimization.
signature_prefix String Prefix signature with custom string. Special tags: DATE_TIME, DATE_TIME_EXACT, SCONE_VERSION.
signature_postfix String Append custom string to signature. Special tags: DATE_TIME, DATE_TIME_EXACT, SCONE_VERSION.
signature String Set custom signature and omit the auto-generated signature.

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