

MuscleReflex that is only active when a specific DOF is within a specific range.

Inherits from MuscleReflex.

Parameter Type Description
dof Dof & Name of the DoF used for the condition.
pos_max Real Maximum dof position [rad or m] for this reflex to be active; default = 1e12.
pos_min Real Minimum dof position [rad or m] for this reflex to be active; default = -1e12.
source Muscle & Name of the source muscle (without side), append _o for opposite side, leave empty for monosynaptic reflexes (default).
C0 Real Constant actuation added to reflex output; default = 0.
KF Real Force feedback gain, based on normalized muscle force (F / Fmax); default = 0.
F0 Real Force feedback offset; default = 0.
allow_neg_F bool Allow this reflex to be negative; default = 1 (please note that you might want this to be 0 if offset is defined).
KL Real Length feedback gain, based on normalized CE length (L / Lopt); default = 0.
L0 Real Length feedback offset; default = 1.
allow_neg_L bool Allow this reflex to be negative; default = 1 (please note that you might want this to be 0 if offset is defined).
KV Real Velocity feedback gain, based on normalized CE velocity ((L / Lopt) / s); default = 0.
V0 Real Velocity feedback offset; default = 0.
allow_neg_V bool Allow this reflex to be negative; default = 0.
KA Real Muscle activation feedback gain, based on normalized activation; default = 0.
A0 Real Activation feedback offset; default = 0.
allow_neg_A bool Allow this reflex to be negative; default = 0.
KS Real Spindle feedback gain, based on [Prochazka 1999], p.135; default = 0.
S0 Real Spindle feedback offset; default = 0.
allow_neg_S bool Allow this reflex to be negative; default = 0.
target String Name of the target actuator; use _o for actuators on the opposite side.
min_control_value Real Minimum output for this reflex; default = -infinity.
max_control_value Real Maximum output for this reflex; default = +infinity.
delay TimeInSeconds Neuromuscular delay [s] used for this reflex; default = 0.

Converted from doxygen using dokugen