SconePy API Reference
This documentation is still a work in progress. Please visit the SCONE User Forum for any questions or feature requests.
- evaluate_par_file(…) method of builtins.PyCapsule instance
evaluate_par_file(arg0: str) → None
- is_array_dtype_float32(…) method of builtins.PyCapsule instance
is_array_dtype_float32() → bool
- is_array_dtype_float64(…) method of builtins.PyCapsule instance
is_array_dtype_float64() → bool
- is_supported(…) method of builtins.PyCapsule instance
is_supported(arg0: str) → bool
- load_model(…) method of builtins.PyCapsule instance
load_model(arg0: str) → scone::Model
- replace_string_tags(…) method of builtins.PyCapsule instance
replace_string_tags(arg0: str) → str
- scone_dir(…) method of builtins.PyCapsule instance
scone_dir() → str
- scone_results_dir(…) method of builtins.PyCapsule instance
scone_results_dir() → str
- set_array_dtype_float32(…) method of builtins.PyCapsule instance
set_array_dtype_float32() → None
- set_array_dtype_float64(…) method of builtins.PyCapsule instance
set_array_dtype_float64() → None
- set_log_level(…) method of builtins.PyCapsule instance
set_log_level(arg0: int) → None
- version(…) method of builtins.PyCapsule instance
version() → str
- init(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- clear_input(…)
clear_input(self: sconepy.Actuator) → None
- init(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- add_external_force(…)
add_external_force(self: sconepy.Body, arg0: sconepy.Vec3) → None
- add_external_moment(…)
add_external_moment(self: sconepy.Body, arg0: sconepy.Vec3) → None
- clear_external_force_moment(…)
clear_external_force_moment(self: sconepy.Body) → None
- contact_force(…)
contact_force(self: sconepy.Body) → sconepy.Vec3
- contact_moment(…)
contact_moment(self: sconepy.Body) → sconepy.Vec3
- contact_point(…)
contact_point(self: sconepy.Body) → sconepy.Vec3
- external_force(…)
external_force(self: sconepy.Body) → sconepy.Vec3
- external_force_at(…)
external_force_at(self: sconepy.Body) → sconepy.Vec3
- external_moment(…)
external_moment(self: sconepy.Body) → sconepy.Vec3
- inertia_diag(…)
inertia_diag(self: sconepy.Body) → sconepy.Vec3
- orientation(…)
orientation(self: sconepy.Body) → sconepy.Quat
- set_ang_vel(…)
set_ang_vel(self: sconepy.Body, arg0: sconepy.Vec3) → None
- set_external_force(…)
set_external_force(self: sconepy.Body, arg0: sconepy.Vec3) → None
- set_external_force_at(…)
set_external_force_at(self: sconepy.Body, arg0: sconepy.Vec3, arg1: sconepy.Vec3) → None
- set_external_moment(…)
set_external_moment(self: sconepy.Body, arg0: sconepy.Vec3) → None
- set_lin_vel(…)
set_lin_vel(self: sconepy.Body, arg0: sconepy.Vec3) → None
- set_orientation(…)
set_orientation(self: sconepy.Body, arg0: sconepy.Quat) → None
- init(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- is_actuated(…)
is_actuated(self: sconepy.Dof) → bool
- is_rotational(…)
is_rotational(self: sconepy.Dof) → bool
- rotation_axis(…)
rotation_axis(self: sconepy.Dof) → sconepy.Vec3
- init(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- add_motor_torque(…)
add_motor_torque(self: sconepy.Joint, arg0: sconepy.Vec3) → None
- limit_power(…)
limit_power(self: sconepy.Joint) → float
- limit_torque(…)
limit_torque(self: sconepy.Joint) → sconepy.Vec3
- motor_max_torque(…)
motor_max_torque(self: sconepy.Joint) → float
- parent_body(…)
parent_body(self: sconepy.Joint) → sconepy.Body
- reaction_force(…)
reaction_force(self: sconepy.Joint) → sconepy.Vec3
- set_motor_damping(…)
set_motor_damping(self: sconepy.Joint, arg0: float) → None
- set_motor_stiffness(…)
set_motor_stiffness(self: sconepy.Joint, arg0: float) → None
- set_motor_target_orientation(…)
set_motor_target_orientation(self: sconepy.Joint, arg0: sconepy.Quat) → None
- set_motor_target_velocity(…)
set_motor_target_velocity(self: sconepy.Joint, arg0: sconepy.Vec3) → None
- init(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- contact_force(…)
contact_force(self: sconepy.Leg) → sconepy.Vec3
- contact_load(…)
contact_load(self: sconepy.Leg) → float
- contact_moment(…)
contact_moment(self: sconepy.Leg) → sconepy.Vec3
- contact_pos(…)
contact_pos(self: sconepy.Leg) → sconepy.Vec3
- relative_foot_position(…)
relative_foot_position(self: sconepy.Leg) → sconepy.Vec3
- upper_body(…)
upper_body(self: sconepy.Leg) → sconepy.Body
- init(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- current_result(…)
current_result(self: sconepy.Measure, arg0: scone::Model) → float
- current_weighted_result(…)
current_weighted_result(self: sconepy.Measure, arg0: scone::Model) → float
- final_result(…)
final_result(self: sconepy.Measure, arg0: scone::Model) → float
- final_weighted_result(…)
final_weighted_result(self: sconepy.Measure, arg0: scone::Model) → float
- init(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- actuator_input_array(…)
actuator_input_array(self: sconepy.Model) → numpy.ndarray
- adjust_state_for_load(…)
adjust_state_for_load(self: sconepy.Model, arg0: float) → None
- advance_simulation_to(…)
advance_simulation_to(self: sconepy.Model, arg0: float) → None
- contact_force(…)
contact_force(self: sconepy.Model) → float
- contact_load(…)
contact_load(self: sconepy.Model) → float
- contact_power(…)
contact_power(self: sconepy.Model) → float
- control_step_size(…)
control_step_size(self: sconepy.Model) → float
- current_measure(…)
current_measure(self: sconepy.Model) → float
- delayed_dof_position_array(…)
delayed_dof_position_array(self: sconepy.Model) → numpy.ndarray
- delayed_dof_velocity_array(…)
delayed_dof_velocity_array(self: sconepy.Model) → numpy.ndarray
- delayed_muscle_fiber_length_array(…)
delayed_muscle_fiber_length_array(self: sconepy.Model) → numpy.ndarray
- delayed_muscle_fiber_velocity_array(…)
delayed_muscle_fiber_velocity_array(self: sconepy.Model) → numpy.ndarray
- delayed_muscle_force_array(…)
delayed_muscle_force_array(self: sconepy.Model) → numpy.ndarray
- delayed_vestibular_array(…)
delayed_vestibular_array(self: sconepy.Model) → numpy.ndarray
- dof_position_array(…)
dof_position_array(self: sconepy.Model) → numpy.ndarray
- dof_velocity_array(…)
dof_velocity_array(self: sconepy.Model) → numpy.ndarray
- final_measure(…)
final_measure(self: sconepy.Model) → float
- has_simulation_ended(…)
has_simulation_ended(self: sconepy.Model) → bool
- init_muscle_activations(…)
init_muscle_activations(self: sconepy.Model, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]) → None
- init_state_from_dofs(…)
init_state_from_dofs(self: sconepy.Model) → None
- integration_step(…)
integration_step(self: sconepy.Model) → int
- log_measure_report(…)
log_measure_report(self: sconepy.Model) → None
- muscle_activation_array(…)
muscle_activation_array(self: sconepy.Model) → numpy.ndarray
- muscle_excitation_array(…)
muscle_excitation_array(self: sconepy.Model) → numpy.ndarray
- muscle_fiber_length_array(…)
muscle_fiber_length_array(self: sconepy.Model) → numpy.ndarray
- muscle_fiber_velocity_array(…)
muscle_fiber_velocity_array(self: sconepy.Model) → numpy.ndarray
- muscle_force_array(…)
muscle_force_array(self: sconepy.Model) → numpy.ndarray
- set_actuator_inputs(…)
set_actuator_inputs(self: sconepy.Model, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]) → None
- set_delayed_actuator_inputs(…)
set_delayed_actuator_inputs(self: sconepy.Model, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]) → None
- set_dof_positions(…)
set_dof_positions(self: sconepy.Model, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]) → None
- set_dof_velocities(…)
set_dof_velocities(self: sconepy.Model, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]) → None
- set_simulation_end_time(…)
set_simulation_end_time(self: sconepy.Model, arg0: float) → None
- set_store_data(…)
set_store_data(self: sconepy.Model, arg0: bool) → None
- write_results(…)
write_results(self: sconepy.Model, arg0: str, arg1: str) → None
- init(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- activation(…)
activation(self: sconepy.Muscle) → float
- excitation(…)
excitation(self: sconepy.Muscle) → float
- fiber_length(…)
fiber_length(self: sconepy.Muscle) → float
- fiber_length_norm(…)
fiber_length_norm(self: sconepy.Muscle) → float
- fiber_velocity(…)
fiber_velocity(self: sconepy.Muscle) → float
- fiber_velocity_norm(…)
fiber_velocity_norm(self: sconepy.Muscle) → float
- force_norm(…)
force_norm(self: sconepy.Muscle) → float
- init_activation(…)
init_activation(self: sconepy.Muscle, arg0: float) → None
- insertion_body(…)
insertion_body(self: sconepy.Muscle) → sconepy.Body
- max_isometric_force(…)
max_isometric_force(self: sconepy.Muscle) → float
- optimal_fiber_length(…)
optimal_fiber_length(self: sconepy.Muscle) → float
- origin_body(…)
origin_body(self: sconepy.Muscle) → sconepy.Body
- pennation_angle_at_optimal(…)
pennation_angle_at_optimal(self: sconepy.Muscle) → float
- tendon_slack_length(…)
tendon_slack_length(self: sconepy.Muscle) → float
- init(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- to_euler_xyz(…)
to_euler_xyz(self: sconepy.Quat) → xo::vec3_<xo::angle_<1,double> >
- to_euler_xzy(…)
to_euler_xzy(self: sconepy.Quat) → xo::vec3_<xo::angle_<1,double> >
- to_euler_yxz(…)
to_euler_yxz(self: sconepy.Quat) → xo::vec3_<xo::angle_<1,double> >
- to_euler_yzx(…)
to_euler_yzx(self: sconepy.Quat) → xo::vec3_<xo::angle_<1,double> >
- to_euler_zxy(…)
to_euler_zxy(self: sconepy.Quat) → xo::vec3_<xo::angle_<1,double> >
- to_euler_zyx(…)
to_euler_zyx(self: sconepy.Quat) → xo::vec3_<xo::angle_<1,double> >
- to_rotation_vector(…)
to_rotation_vector(self: sconepy.Quat) → sconepy.Vec3
Data descriptors defined here: w x y z