
Results of a SCONE optimization are stored in files with the extension .par. These are simple text files that can be opened and edited in any text editor, such as Notepad. An example of a .par file looks like this:

hamstrings.Y0 	0.079006554	0.080354041	0.0030859574	
hamstrings.DT0	0.18357905	0.18262167	0.0020438415	
hamstrings.Y1 	0.99631354	0.99773909	0.0021345281	
glut_max.Y0   	0.0030265725	0.00090351607	0.0023974136	
glut_max.DT0  	0.18576085	0.18489914	0.0023322994	
glut_max.Y1   	0.97591333	0.96204519	0.011154533	
iliopsoas.Y0  	0.063535723	0.066836841	0.00292421	
iliopsoas.DT0 	0.2577093	0.25523808	0.0032948857	
iliopsoas.Y1  	0.012638463	0.01207388	0.0021846832	
vasti.Y0      	0.33502507	0.33535013	0.0023554187	
vasti.DT0     	0.23620274	0.23461746	0.002213263	
vasti.Y1      	0.9983738	0.99889626	0.0014473442	
gastroc.Y0    	0.12005251	0.12699089	0.0086746784	
gastroc.DT0   	0.17422729	0.17466229	0.0029011355	
gastroc.Y1    	0.91680673	0.91024939	0.0047795053	
soleus.Y0     	0.026056273	0.023415652	0.0022664883	
soleus.DT0    	0.44584536	0.44439399	0.0045637694	
soleus.Y1     	0.99696958	0.99883811	0.0020101872	
tib_ant.Y0    	0.98317756	0.98368097	0.0044341653	
tib_ant.DT0   	0.33641672	0.33378039	0.0033161401	
tib_ant.Y1    	0.0083973917	0.010220621	0.0017648554	

There are four columns in this file, with the first column representing the parameter name. The subsequent columns represent best value, mean value, and standard deviation of each of the parameters.

When playing back a result stored in a .par file, the best value is used for each parameter. When using a .par file for initialization of an optimization, mean and standard deviation are used to represent the initial distribution.