
Batch Optimization

If you need to automate multiple optimizations, you can use the sconecmd, the SCONE command-line interface. By default, it is located in C:\Program Files\SCONE\sconecmd.exe, and can be used as follows:

"C:\Program Files\SCONE\sconecmd.exe" -o "your_scenario.scone"

The -o command line starts an optimization of a scenario. The -e command line switch can be used to evaluate a .scone or a .par file.

Changing Scenario Parameters

You can change any parameter in your .scone scenario by specifying it in the command line, for example:

sconecmd.exe -o "scenario.scone" CmaOptimizer.random_seed=10

You can also access settings by index, which is useful for settings that are not uniquely identifiable by name:

sconecmd.exe -o "scenario.scone" CmaOptimizer.SimulationObjective.CompositeController.#1.value=10

This sets the value parameter for first child of CompositeController. The second, third, etc. element can be accessed via #2, #3, etc.

Batch Optimizations

For batch processing, you can create a Windows .bat file which contains multiple commands:

set SCONECMD="C:\Program Files\SCONE\bin\sconecmd.exe"
%SCONECMD% -o "scenario.scone" CmaOptimizer.random_seed=10
%SCONECMD% -o "scenario.scone" CmaOptimizer.SimulationObjective.ModelOpenSim3.model_file=data/model.osim

If you wish to run multiple optimizations in parallel, you can do so by prefixing your command with start. The first argument after start (“SCONE”) is the title of the console window that is spawned.

set SCONECMD="C:\Program Files\SCONE\bin\sconecmd.exe"
start "SCONE" %SCONECMD% -o "scenario.scone" CmaOptimizer.random_seed=10
start "SCONE" %SCONECMD% -o "scenario.scone" CmaOptimizer.SimulationObjective.ModelOpenSim3.model_file=data/model.osim

If you wish to optimize all scenarios in a folder, you can use the following .bat script to optimize all .scone scenarios in the current directory:

set SCONECMD="C:\Program Files\SCONE\bin\sconecmd.exe"
for %%f in (*.scone) do (
	start "%%f" %SCONECMD% -o "%%f"
	timeout 1

Since SCONE version 2.4.0, it is also possible to run batch optimizations using the SconePy Python interface:

import numpy as np
import time
from sconetools import sconepy
# Load an example scenario
scenario = sconepy.load_scenario("../Examples/Jump2D - H0918 - Hyfydy.scone");
# Start multiple optimizations with different settings
num_optimizers = 6
opts = []
for i in range(0, num_optimizers):
	# Change some settings based on i
	scenario.set("CmaOptimizer.random_seed", str(i+1))
	scenario.set("CmaOptimizer.SimulationObjective.FeedForwardController.symmetric", str(i%2))
	# Start the optimization as background task
# Wait for all optimizations to finish
num_finished = 0
while num_finished < num_optimizers:
	num_finished = 0
	# Iterate over all optimizers
	for i in range(0, num_optimizers):
		# Create a status string
		str = f"Optimization {i}: step={opts[i].current_step()} fitness={opts[i].fitness():.2f}";
		if opts[i].finished():
			# This optimization is finished, add to status string
			str += " FINISHED"
			num_finished += 1
		elif opts[i].current_step() >= 1000:
			# Optional: terminal optimizations after 1000 steps
			str += " TERMINATING"
		# Print status 
		print(str, flush=True)
# At this point, all optimizations have finished
for i in range(0, num_optimizers):
	print(f"Finished optimization {i}: steps={opts[i].current_step()} fitness={opts[i].fitness():.2f}", flush=True)