import numpy as np import time from sconetools import sconepy # Reset a model and run a simulation def run_simulation(model, store_data, random_seed, max_time=3, min_com_height=0.3): # reset the model to the initial state model.reset() model.set_store_data(store_data) # initialize the rng rng = np.random.default_rng(random_seed) # Initialize muscle activations to random values muscle_activations = 0.1 + 0.4 * rng.random((len(model.muscles()))) model.init_muscle_activations(muscle_activations) # Tweak the initial pose of the model dof_positions = model.dof_position_array() dof_positions += 0.1 * rng.random(len(dof_positions)) - 0.05 model.set_dof_positions(dof_positions) for d in model.dofs(): if == 'pelvis_ty': d.set_pos(0.1 + d.pos()) # set the value of a # IMPORTANT: set the actual pose and equilibrates the muscles model.init_state_from_dofs() # Start the simulation, with time t ranging from 0 to 5 for t in np.arange(0, max_time, 0.01): # Set actuator_inputs based on muscle force, length and velocity mus_in = model.muscle_force_array() mus_in += model.muscle_fiber_length_array() - 1 mus_in += 0.2 * model.muscle_fiber_velocity_array() model.set_actuator_inputs(mus_in) # Advance the simulation to time t # Internally, this performs as many simulations steps as required # The internal step size is variable, and determined by the 'accuracy' # setting in the .scone file model.advance_simulation_to(t) # Abort the simulation if the model center of mass falls below 0.3 meter com_y = model.com_pos().y if com_y < min_com_height: print(f'Aborting simulation at t={model.time():.3f} com_y={com_y:.4f}') break # Write results to the SCONE results folder # The resulting .sto file can be openend directly in SCONE Studio for analysis if store_data: dirname = 'sconepy_example_' + filename = + f'_{random_seed}_{model.time():0.3f}_{model.com_pos().y:0.3f}' model.write_results(dirname, filename) print(f'Results written to {dirname}/{filename}; please use SCONE Studio to replay the .sto file.', flush=True) def measure_performance(model_file): # load the model start_time = time.perf_counter() model = sconepy.load_model(model_file) load_time = time.perf_counter() - start_time # run a couple of simulations random_seed = 1 model_time = 0.0 duration = 0.0 start_time = time.perf_counter() while duration < 2.0: run_simulation(model, False, random_seed, max_time=2, min_com_height=-10) duration = time.perf_counter() - start_time random_seed += 1 model_time += model.time() # show results real_time_factor = model_time / duration print(f'Loading {model_file} took {load_time*1000:.2f}ms - Simulating took {duration:.2f}s for {model_time:0.2f}s ({real_time_factor:0.2f}x real-time)', flush=True) # Set the SCONE log level between 1-7 (lower is more logging) sconepy.set_log_level(3) print('SCONE Version', sconepy.version()) # change the datatype of returned arrays to 32-bit floats sconepy.set_array_dtype_float32() store_data = True # Run performance benchmarks if sconepy.is_supported('ModelHyfydy'): measure_performance('data/H0918_hfd.scone') if sconepy.is_supported('ModelHyfydy'): measure_performance('data/H0918_hfd_v2.scone') if sconepy.is_supported('ModelOpenSim3'): measure_performance('data/H0918_osim3.scone') if sconepy.is_supported('ModelOpenSim4'): measure_performance('data/H0918_osim4.scone')